Sunday, December 26, 2010

10 Days until Departure!

So I know it's been awhile since we last updated this, so I thank you for your patience. Moving out and Christmas-related activities are quite time consuming! In the meantime however, we found out a few more details we'd like to share with you!

We were blessed to have a Skype conversation with Gary and Mylinda Baits a few weeks ago, and not only did I get to "meet" them via skype, but we also got to see our first glimpse of the verdant soil of Costa Rica! (Technology is amazing, isn't it?) Furthermore, they gave us a few more details about what our first couple of months might look like. When we arrive on January 6th we'll be picked up by the hospitable Baits and will likely live with them in San Jose (the capital) for the following month to two months. During this stay we will help a couple of mission teams from the U.S. finish a church in a town about 45 min away. It's also an option to stay with a family nearer to the site of the church, so we'll see what happens during that time with our living arrangement. In addition to the construction, we have opportunities to be involved with things such as: a new preschool and developing curriculum, an international youth group, playing soccer and various other sports, and exploring the city of San Jose (population approx. 300,000).

From there we'll head over to Puerto Limón on the Caribbean Coast where our living situation will likely be a home-stay with a pastor/principal's family. The principal is interested in having us help teach in his school and I'm very interested in this as well! He knows Chris is longing to get some diving in also, so he's brainstorming how incorporate SCUBA diving into the lesson plans. Other than these basics, we don't know how long we're looking at being there, nor what other things we'll be involved with. Interestingly enough, the pastor is from Bluefields, Nicaragua (the other option we mentioned in our previous post). He's communicated that the transition from Limón to Bluefields would be a good one, but who knows if we'll want to leave Limón after settling there. Time will tell.

In summary, so many details and time lines are still open-ended and that's okay with us. We have a general idea about what our time might look like and we're stoked about what we do know. The other details will fall into place once we get there and experience all that we've been told about. It is a great relief to have the Baits down there and helping us with everything once we get there. Thanks so much to all of you who are praying for us and giving to our two funds; we deeply appreciate you!

Merry Christmas and Dios te bendiga!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

So, we have no idea what we're in for...

Jenn and I have dreamed of disappearing overseas since our dating days.  It began with thoughts of spending a few care-free months out of the country, basically long term site-seers or beach bums.  Once we married we began brainstorming what that could realistically look like.  Even though there is much that we desire to do in the US, we believe there is no better time to go on an adventure that will shape who we are.  We decided to go for it, and have been saving up ever since.

As prayer about the idea of a trip commenced, it became apparent very quickly that we weren't going to be going as beach bums, but volunteers.  Ever since that realization, our destination had pin balled between Honduras, Costa Rica, and Nicaragua.  Finally, we decided to just go for it and buy tickets to a central location and figure it out later.  Therefore...

Continental Flight: CO7862
Departs Boise, ID at 4:32pm on January 5th 

and after a number of connecting flights, 

Continental Flight: CO1528 
Arrives in San Jose, Costa Rica on January 6th at 12:50pm

Since then, we've narrowed what we will be doing to two options:

1. Limon, Costa Rica
         Living in a local family's home and helping with anything and everything the church needs help with.  Jenn would have the opportunity to teach.  More to come when we know.

2.  Bluefields, Nicaragua
         Living in the local church's guest house.  Running a children's home for kids whose parents are working for 8+ months out of the year on cruise ships.  Helping with an AWANA club for said kids, and starting a youth group at the local church.  Who knows what else.

The take home message here...
We are going to Central America as missionaries through IM (International Ministries).

We have a fund set aside that we will be taking with us to use whenever we see a need!  
For example...
      if a family is in need of food, we'll pull from this fund to feed them for a time.
      if an orphanage needs shoes for their kids, we can fund that.
      if a family needs a new roof.
      if ______________________.

If you would like to contribute to this fund, click on the Donate link above!!

Also, if you would like to help fund our trip (there are many costs associated...) that would be so appreciated!